Kris Nguyen is an illustrator and comic artist. She created “Cape of Spirits” and “Fictional Skin” on WEBTOON originals. When not glued to her drawing tablet, you can find her walking her dog, watching vtubers, or being a general potato.
SJMADE FEST May 31-June 1 [Accepted!]
OTAKON [Pending]
ANIME NYC [Pending]
NYCC [Pending]
Lightbox Expo [Pending]
Cape of Spirits
A former heir to the throne, Jinsei Kimura is now a fugitive on the run from the very empire he once called home. Now, to clear his name, Jinsei must fight alongside a team once sworn to deliver his head – working together to uncover the truth behind the coins that power their civilization. In a world without trust, where long-time allies are now enemies, can Jinsei harness the power of the Spirit Coins to find his own personal redemption? (Completed Series)